Sunday, June 24, 2012


Well, it has been an amazing week.  Looking back, I cannot believe how we had been living before the advent of a six shelve book case that is approximately 6 1/2 feet tall and 2 1/2 feet wide.  The boxes of books that we had have been emptied as you can see by all of the books filling the bookcase.  We bought it at IKEA and I got to put it together while I watched the Incredible Hulk TV show from the 70s and Brooke cataloged books that she will be taking to her class (yes, we own more books than are in the shelf above ;-) I love that TV series. Anyways, back to the story of space.  We could finally see the floor of our front room after weeks of wondering if there was carpet or if the floor had always been made up of books, papers, and boxes.  It is a beautiful sight.  However, even this behemoth of a bookcase to hold things, it has not been enough.  We still have boxes with books in them that will stay at home instead of going to school.  We lucked out though, as you will see in a moment.

Yesterday, Brooke and I took a trip to Layton to be with my mother, father, brother Erik and his wife Suzanne.  We went to the movie Brave, a gripping girl power animation.  I did like the movie and  the top but the message is clear: We the women of the world no longer wish to be saved by a man.  I think it is good for women to not be waiting for a man to save them.  Yet the movie also left room for the beauty of a healthy relationship between men and women.

We also had food from the Rumbi grill (Get the fish tacos!) and played Monopoly Deal.  All of this connects with the space in our apartment because my mom allowed us to take my old bookcase from when I was in high school and I hope that will help us get the rest of the books into an organized manner.  Anyways, thanks for taking an interest in our life!  Comments are appreciated.

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